Current Lab News: Spring 2020 - Present
April 20th, 2020: Dinah wins a UA College of Science Galileo Circle Scholarship. Congratulations Dinah!
Previous Lab News: Maintained Fall 2013 - Spring 2017
May 3rd, 2017: Erik wins a UA GPSC Research and Project Grant. Congratultions Erik!
April 26th, 2017: Zach wins the EEB Graduate Award for Teaching. Congratulations Zach!
April 14th, 2017: Zach's paper, with Erik and Patrick as collaborators, on the evolutionary history of regA is accepted in Journal of Evolutionary Biology. Congratulations all!
March 7th, 2017: Erik wins the Robert W. Hoshaw Memorial Scholarship, the highest award that the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department gives to its graduate students. Congrats Erik!
March 7th, 2017: Erik, Dinah, and Zach's paper on individuality in the volvocine green algae is accepted at Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology is accepted. Congrats all!
October 21st, 2016: Combined Michod lab and Ferrière lab hike on Mount Lemmon.
April 21st, 2016: Erik wins a Roy P. Drachman Galileo Circle Scholarship and Zach wins a Galileo Circle Scholarship. Congratulations both!
April 15th, 2016: Erik wins the EEB Graduate Award for Scholarship and the College of Science Graduate Research Award. Congratulations Erik!
March 18th, 2016: Erik's paper with Brad Olson (KSU) on the role of cell cycle regulation during the evolution of multicellularity is accepted at Nature Communications. Congratulations Erik!
January 28th, 2016: Zach successfully completes his comprehensive exams and advances to candidacy. Congratulations Zach!
May 12th, 2015: UA EEB recognizes Erik as a Darwin/Wallace Scholar. Congratulations Erik!
April 17th, 2015: Erik wins a NIH Training Grant Fellowship from the University of Arizona. Congratulations Erik!
April 13th, 2015: Zach wins a NASA Astrobiology Early Career Collaboration Award to work with Dr. Stephen Miller at UMBC. Congratulations Zach!
April 8th, 2015: Zach wins the EEB Graduate Award for Service. Congratulations Zach!
April 7th, 2015: Erik and Deborah's book chapter (in the book former post-doc Aurora edited!) is published. Congratulations all!
March 30th, 2015: UA College of Science recognizes Erik as a Galileo Circle Scholar. Congratulations Erik!
March 11th, 2015: Dinah joins the Michod lab as a PhD student. Welcome Dinah!
October 13th, 2014: Erik successfully completes his comprehensive exams and advances to candidacy. Congratulations Erik!
October 9th, 2014: Baltazar Diaz discusses his thesis work on Thursday Thesis 93.1 KXCI Tucson community radio. Congratulations Baltazar!
October 2nd, 2014: A NSF grant awarded in collaboration with Dr. Bradley Olson (Kansas State University, Collaborative Research: The Genomic Basis of Multicellularity and Developmental Complexity in the Volvocine Algae. September 1, 2014- August 31, 2017.
July 18th, 2014: Erik wins a Travel Grant from the UA Graduate and Professional Student Council. Congratulations Erik!
June 3rd, 2014: Zach's selected as a 2014 UK Astrobiology Summer Academy counselor. Congratulations Zach!
May 16th, 2014: Zach wins a Travel Grant from the UA Graduate and Professional Student Council. Congratulations Zach!
May 9th, 2014: Erik wins a NIH Training Grant Fellowship from the University of Arizona. Congratulations Erik!
April 7th, 2014: Odile Maliet is visiting the lab from Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. Welcome Odile!
March 28th, 2014: UA College of Science recognizes Erik as a Galileo Circle Scholar. Congratulations Erik!
March 16th, 2014: Erik and Patrick's paper on the evolutionary history of regA is accepted in Evolution. Congratulations!
October 28th, 2013: Deborah Shelton successfully defends her PhD thesis. Congratulations Deborah!